Monday, January 17, 2011

Did Sarah Palin Go On A Shooting Spree?

Around 10:00 a.m. on Jan. 8, Gabrielle Giffords, an Arizona congresswoman, was shot in the head at close range while attending a political event in Tucson. About 20 people were injured altogether, and six of them died. According to some, Sarah Palin was to blame.

22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner was arrested because he was the one that was witnessed as pulling the trigger. For some reason, some in the liberal left are trying to blame the shooting on anybody but Jared. Whatever happened to accountability??

After the Fort Hood shooting in Nov. 2009 by a man that professed to be a Muslim, President Obama was quick to caution against making a connection to Islam, calling it instead a random act of violence. Should he not be equally quick to warn against blaming this bloody murder on the people that campaigned against the good Congresswoman during the last election? Looks hypocritical, at best.

Sarah Palin never called for the death of anyone. Hitler claimed to be doing those mass exterminations in the name of Christianity. Does that mean Jesus Christ is to blame for it? Come on!! Hitler was twisted in his thinking. So is anyone that tries to go out and murder anyone. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world, else would my servants fight." Christianity is a spiritual kingdom, not a political one. Sarah Palin has never called for violence, but for people to fight with their votes for what is right. Many peaceful solutions to our problems can be achieved simply by voting. Let your voice be heard.

Our liberal media has been running out of control; reckless, mean, and even ugly. Those who have suggested that conservatives are to blame for this tragedy need to stand up and apologize, or get ready to head out the back door! I have never heard as much hate speech coming from anywhere as has been coming from the liberal left the past several days! Many of those that are trying to blame the conservative voters and their leaders are guilty of creating the same kind of political environment that they say they are condemning! They would love nothing more than to silence the conservative voice. And they get more and more dirty in order to accomplish it. They are trying to get rid of conservative talk radio, trying to take away free speech, and trying to scare those who listen to it into silence as well. Friends, do not take this in silence! Speak out against this gross injustice.

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to remain silent!

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