Monday, February 21, 2011

Snopes Exposed!

I have for a while been suspicious of I have used their collection of information myself to check things out, and decided right quick that they smelled fishy. I find their site useful only to see what else is being said about matters, not to see what THEY say about it. It is much more rewarding to do your own research.

Snopes was founded in 1995 and is run by Barbara and David Mikkelson. This godless dynamic duo are professing atheists and are extremely liberal in their views and thinking. It seems to be their mission to debunk Christians, alternative health practitioners, conservatives or anything that is good, true and wholesome. We have all been duped into believing everything they tell us is true and authentic. When they tell us that Jesus was a myth, are we to believe that too?

It has been learned the Mikkelson’s are very Democratic (party) and extremely liberal. As we all now know from this past presidential election, liberals have a purpose and agenda to discredit anything that appears to be Christian and conservative. The Mikkelsons are known Barak Obama defenders, sympathizers and supporters.

Only recently did Wikipedia get to the bottom of it – kinda makes you wonder what they were hiding. Well, finally we know. Snopes is run by a husband and wife team – that’s right, no big office of investigators and researchers, no team of lawyers. It’s just a mom-and-pop operation that began as a hobby. David and Barbara Mikkelson in the San Fernando Valley of California, started the website about 16 years ago and they have no formal background or experience in investigative research.

Yes... is, in fact, an activist, racist, Leftist, atheist, anti-Christian husband and wife team. There seems to be precious little information about them available, since neither is evidently any kind of accomplished author or researcher of any kind. Their academic credentials are unknown and unpublished publicly, and the Web is devoid of biographies on either of them.

But now that we know their names, who are Barbara and David Mikkelson? What are their real political ambitions, convictions and agendas? And who gave them the power to affirm or deny every piece of information that exists?

So you see, you cannot and should not trust, ever, for telling you how things really are -- only what a liberal leftist wants you to believe! I don’t even trust them to tell me if email chains are hoaxes anymore. Do NOT trust them to tell you the truth; they will tell you what they want you to believe, and that is not going to be within the boundaries of Biblical teaching or Christian values.

Here is a YouTube video where they are being interviewed. They do not want to admit the existence of a God Who would help you in time of trouble because then what about all the people that God does not help? “Are we to believe that they are all sinners?” Barbara asks, “Are
they all unworthy or undeserving?” The truth is that, yes! they are all sinners and they are all unworthy. What she does not understand is that it has nothing to do with being “good enough” or “not good enough.” It is simply that God honors those who honor Him and His Word, and when someone spurns Gods grace and mercy they have no right to call upon a loving God in their time of trouble and expect Him to pay attention. She does not realize that it's not God rejecting people, but people rejecting God.

We could take this discussion a lot further, but I believe this is clear enough. God is very real, and He is an ever-present help in time of trouble, supernaturally delivering His children from every hardship imaginable. Anybody who does not know this is to be pitied, for they are blind, and naked, and wretched, and miserable, and poor, and don’t know it.

Look up! for your redemption draws near. Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Egypt Fulfilling Bible Prophecy

The people of Egypt have been taking to the streets in mass demonstrations, apparently inspired by similar protests in Tunisia that resulted in the overthrow of their government. Demonstrations of this sort are rare in Egypt, because of tight government control. But apparently this is more than just peaceful demonstrations. Large numbers of people have for years had to deal with poverty, corruption, and unemployment. Now, with just a little moral (and physical) support, they are brave enough to make their voice heard. And they've been suffering for so long that they feel they have nothing to lose. That makes the most dangerous kind of protests. When people have nothing to lose, they'll go to any length to get what they want.

I believe the turmoil in Egypt we have seen this past week was witnessed by the prophet Isaiah over 2700 years ago. Isaiah (19: 1) says,"The burden against Egypt: Behold, the LORD rides on a swift cloud, and will come into Egypt; the idols of Egypt will totter at His presence, and the heart of Egypt will melt in its midst. (2.) I will set Egyptians against Egyptians; everyone will fight against his brother, and everyone against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. (3.) The spirit of Egypt will fail in its midst; I will destroy their counsel, and they will consult the idols and the charmers, the mediums and the sorcerers."

And according to Isaiah, it isn't over yet. In fact, it's about to get much worse. If the Bible says it, it is sure to happen. Sooner or later. (4.) "And the Egyptians I will give into the hand of a cruel master, and a fierce king will rule over them, says the Lord, the LORD of Hosts."

Reading on down into verse 19, we find that this will eventually result in war with Israel, and Israel will occupy 5 cities of Egypt.

This all plays a part in the plan for a New World Order. The shadowy figures behind the scenes plan for things like this years in advance. You may wonder how in the world they can make entire nations do just exactly what they want, but you need to understand that human beings are very predictable creatures. This elite group that wants to rule the world has studied human behavior for centuries, and really developed it into a science like electricity. There is a predictable cause and effect.

Pray for the Christians in Egypt.

Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!

Monday, January 24, 2011

When Your Tap Water Is Toxic

Fluoride is a potent neurotoxin that's been fraudulently promoted as a cure for cavities for the past five decades. Recent scientific developments deserve special notice as they offer a compelling picture of the truth. Not only do we now have yet another study showing that fluoridated water has a significant (detrimental) impact on children's IQ, but researchers have also discovered that the benefits of topical application of fluoride is highly questionable.

A groundbreaking study published in the journal Langmuir has uncovered that the fluorapatite layer formed on your teeth from fluoride is a mere six nanometers thick. To understand just how thin this is, you'd need 10,000 of these layers to get the width of a strand of your hair! Scientists now question whether this ultra-thin layer can actually protect your enamel and provide any discernible benefit, considering the fact that it is quickly eliminated by simple chewing.

The conventional wisdom has been that topical application of fluoride can help strengthen your enamel and help prevent decay. If that's untrue, then the case against water fluoridation—the ingestion of fluoride—becomes even stronger than it ever was before.

There's just no doubt that ingesting fluoride has no beneficial effect on your teeth. In fact, there's overwhelming evidence indicating that fluoride is a potent toxin that can cause a wide array of severe health problems once ingested.

When evaluating the issue of water fluoridation it is also important to understand that fluoride is a drug. You can't get fluoride without a prescription. Yet it's being added to your water supply on a mandatory basis. This water fluoridation is a major assault on your freedom of choice – to be drugged or not.

Sodium fluoride, which is a far simpler toxin than the fluoride compounds used for most water fluoridation, has also been used for rat and cockroach poisons, so there is no question that it is highly toxic.

According to World Health Organization data, people living in those parts of the developed world (i.e. most of Europe) where the water is NOT fluoridated have
teeth are that are just as good, if not better than Americans'.

The latest study was announced in a December 20 news release. Now, this study has been withdrawn from publication because of "a policy regarding the use of previously published material." I guess they thought it was redundant. However, according to Dr. Paul Connett, director of The Fluoride Action Network, this study is stronger than the rest and makes a more direct link between fluoride exposure and brain damage in children.

Now who in their right mind (I guess many parents have brain damage too) would risk lowering their child's intelligence with something that may or may not reduce a small amount of tooth decay?

I highly recommend that you follow the link below and read the article in it's entirety, watch the video, and read Dr. Mercola's comments
. He goes on to explain the real cause of tooth decay and what YOU can do to help end water fluoridation in Canada and the United States.

Get in action, and make this world a better place!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Did Sarah Palin Go On A Shooting Spree?

Around 10:00 a.m. on Jan. 8, Gabrielle Giffords, an Arizona congresswoman, was shot in the head at close range while attending a political event in Tucson. About 20 people were injured altogether, and six of them died. According to some, Sarah Palin was to blame.

22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner was arrested because he was the one that was witnessed as pulling the trigger. For some reason, some in the liberal left are trying to blame the shooting on anybody but Jared. Whatever happened to accountability??

After the Fort Hood shooting in Nov. 2009 by a man that professed to be a Muslim, President Obama was quick to caution against making a connection to Islam, calling it instead a random act of violence. Should he not be equally quick to warn against blaming this bloody murder on the people that campaigned against the good Congresswoman during the last election? Looks hypocritical, at best.

Sarah Palin never called for the death of anyone. Hitler claimed to be doing those mass exterminations in the name of Christianity. Does that mean Jesus Christ is to blame for it? Come on!! Hitler was twisted in his thinking. So is anyone that tries to go out and murder anyone. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world, else would my servants fight." Christianity is a spiritual kingdom, not a political one. Sarah Palin has never called for violence, but for people to fight with their votes for what is right. Many peaceful solutions to our problems can be achieved simply by voting. Let your voice be heard.

Our liberal media has been running out of control; reckless, mean, and even ugly. Those who have suggested that conservatives are to blame for this tragedy need to stand up and apologize, or get ready to head out the back door! I have never heard as much hate speech coming from anywhere as has been coming from the liberal left the past several days! Many of those that are trying to blame the conservative voters and their leaders are guilty of creating the same kind of political environment that they say they are condemning! They would love nothing more than to silence the conservative voice. And they get more and more dirty in order to accomplish it. They are trying to get rid of conservative talk radio, trying to take away free speech, and trying to scare those who listen to it into silence as well. Friends, do not take this in silence! Speak out against this gross injustice.

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to remain silent!

Sources for this post:

Monday, January 10, 2011

Walmart Is Watching You

The Department of Homeland Security has recently announced the creation of a program called “If You See Something, Say Something.” This catchy title comes from an agreement that the DHS has reached with Walmart, in which the store promises full cooperation in the DHS’s campaign to convince Walmart customers and store employees to report any “suspicious” activity to local police or store management, who would then inform local police.

This program, of course, is being defended as necessary to fight the threat of terrorism. The dangers presented by a campaign such as this are obvious. Every dictatorship that has ever existed has enlisted the aid of its citizens to spy on each other and report “suspicious” activity. Programs such as this will inevitably plant seeds of paranoia and fear, the kind of emotions that help keep us divided by animosity at a time when it is more crucial than ever that we stay united in our determination to identify the nature of the real threats that we all face.

It is alarming, but perhaps not surprising, that government attempts to define “suspicious” activity have been vague to the extreme. This is not the DHS’s only foray into this type of undertaking, either; in association with the Department of Justice, they have been working with a laundry list of local, state, federal and even international institutions and organizations to set up an interlocking intelligence network dedicated to information sharing and spying. The scope and scale of this network will dwarf any kind of intelligence operation that has ever been set up in the history of the world.

It is up to us to take responsibility for protecting our own freedoms. If Walmart suffers a loss of sales because of its alliance with Big Brother, they might rethink their position. It must be remembered that a company like Walmart ultimately depends on customer goodwill for its success, and if we make it clear we are not going to stand for this new program they will be forced to respond. We do have the power to protect our own freedom and our own lives – it is up to us to exercise that power every day, in ways both big and small, if we hope to preserve our rights during the times when they are most threatened.

Let Walmart know that you won't shop there if they do this.

My friends, live free or die!

Sources for this post:

Monday, January 3, 2011

UFO's Vying For Airspace

Residents of Beebe, AR woke up to an eerie phenomenon Saturday morning. Dead birds were everywhere: in the yard, on the street, even on roofs. Most, but not all of them were blackbirds, which frequently fly in huge flocks in this part of the country. Apparently they just dropped out of the sky.

Scientists are still trying to figure out what happened. Disease and parasites have been ruled out. Fireworks, lightning, or other weather related causes are unlikely. Preliminary autopsies on 17 of the blackbirds indicate they died of blunt trauma to their organs, the state's top veterinarian told NBC News on Monday. Early tests suggest a mid-air collision, but nobody is able to explain why. Their stomachs were empty, which rules out poison, Dr. George Badley said.

Witnesses say the bad weather had all cleared out the day before. If these birds had been sucked up in a tornado or even just a strong updraft, there is no way they could have all fallen within a 1 1/2 mile radius. Fireworks or other midnight celebrations are not the cause, because they were noticed falling as early as 11:00 or 11:30 p.m. The most probable explanation is that there was a flock a blackbirds just passing through (yes, they do frequently migrate at night) and a cloaked UFO passed over at the same time, colliding with a large number of the unfortunate birds.

Folks, don't laugh at me. Things like this actually happen, and WHY are the experts/government officials either baffled or coming up with these silly explanations which can be so easily disproved? Then too, if the dead fish could in any way have been related to the dead birds, the aliens could have been doing some kind of experiment, and just returning the carcasses.

Sources for this post: