Monday, May 10, 2010

Dismay Over Oil Spill Fueling Drive For Alternative Energy

While we are watching the massive and expanding oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico, and the blame game is starting in Washington, I want to ask a few questions: who is really responsible? Sure, BP seems to have been the corporation in charge of the actual drilling, and everybody else involved was simply working as subcontractors, but why did BP go there in the first place?

Now, before you get excited, I'm not shifting the blame to all the common people that consume oil. I want to take a good look at all the politicians and special interest groups that may have influenced or encouraged BP to go there. I need to ask some questions, and I don't know the answers to all these questions. I'd be happy to have some help in finding the real answers.

Why have oil companies turned to drilling offshore to the extent that they have, when we have enough oil reserves here on the mainland to satisfy our nation's demand for many, many years? Has nobody considered the possibility of something like this happening? Did they really think the benefits outweighed the risks?

Look, I know that drilling for oil on land has its impact on the environment, and I understand taking precautions against further endangering species that may already be threatened with extinction, but is that really worse than oil in the ocean and oil on the beaches? Why have the environmentalists been so adamant about no more drilling in the great reserves that lie along the Rockies and yet do so little about drilling in the ocean where something like this might happen and destroy nature on a much, much greater scale?

Like I said, I don't know all the answers, but here's a few things I do know. The environmentalist movement was started with a noble purpose. Those who founded it had wisdom and common sense. Their concerns and objectives were such as I myself share. But their organization was hijacked. Some of the same people that used to be leaders of the Communist Party are currently in charge of some of the most influential environmentalist groups.

Could it be that they are knowingly promoting policy that is destructive to our once great nation? The Communists have always hated us; always been jealous of us. We need to take a serious look at these questions and find out what's going on. Then, we need to be proactive about it -- do not tolerate more drilling offshore or in any foreign nation as long as we have so much right here in our own country. It is no less harmful to the environment to drill in any of these other places than it is to drill in our vast oilfields out west.

Ultimately we need to individually take a more active role in using alternative energy sources. Here is a video outlining some of the latest exciting advances in energy technology.

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

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