Monday, January 11, 2010

Global Warming In Serious Trouble

Watch this short video from John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel. Finally, a REAL EXPERT showing the fallacy of the concept of “human caused” global warming.

Since the Climategate scandal and the Copenhagen summit, some scientists once again have the courage to voice their true feelings, and for some of them that is to express concerns about a coming ice age. Which would fit the pattern.

The truth is, no one has proved yet that fossil fuel emissions has affected the temperature in any way at all. And more and more evidence shows that the UN's computer models that predict a dramatic warming in the near future are flawed. They are based on ideas and theories that have been proven false.

Let me be clear: I believe in taking care of our earth, and in conservation, and in living in harmony with nature as much as possible. But why do these people keep feeding us lies? It is because they have an evil agenda, and all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

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