Monday, February 21, 2011

Snopes Exposed!

I have for a while been suspicious of I have used their collection of information myself to check things out, and decided right quick that they smelled fishy. I find their site useful only to see what else is being said about matters, not to see what THEY say about it. It is much more rewarding to do your own research.

Snopes was founded in 1995 and is run by Barbara and David Mikkelson. This godless dynamic duo are professing atheists and are extremely liberal in their views and thinking. It seems to be their mission to debunk Christians, alternative health practitioners, conservatives or anything that is good, true and wholesome. We have all been duped into believing everything they tell us is true and authentic. When they tell us that Jesus was a myth, are we to believe that too?

It has been learned the Mikkelson’s are very Democratic (party) and extremely liberal. As we all now know from this past presidential election, liberals have a purpose and agenda to discredit anything that appears to be Christian and conservative. The Mikkelsons are known Barak Obama defenders, sympathizers and supporters.

Only recently did Wikipedia get to the bottom of it – kinda makes you wonder what they were hiding. Well, finally we know. Snopes is run by a husband and wife team – that’s right, no big office of investigators and researchers, no team of lawyers. It’s just a mom-and-pop operation that began as a hobby. David and Barbara Mikkelson in the San Fernando Valley of California, started the website about 16 years ago and they have no formal background or experience in investigative research.

Yes... is, in fact, an activist, racist, Leftist, atheist, anti-Christian husband and wife team. There seems to be precious little information about them available, since neither is evidently any kind of accomplished author or researcher of any kind. Their academic credentials are unknown and unpublished publicly, and the Web is devoid of biographies on either of them.

But now that we know their names, who are Barbara and David Mikkelson? What are their real political ambitions, convictions and agendas? And who gave them the power to affirm or deny every piece of information that exists?

So you see, you cannot and should not trust, ever, for telling you how things really are -- only what a liberal leftist wants you to believe! I don’t even trust them to tell me if email chains are hoaxes anymore. Do NOT trust them to tell you the truth; they will tell you what they want you to believe, and that is not going to be within the boundaries of Biblical teaching or Christian values.

Here is a YouTube video where they are being interviewed. They do not want to admit the existence of a God Who would help you in time of trouble because then what about all the people that God does not help? “Are we to believe that they are all sinners?” Barbara asks, “Are
they all unworthy or undeserving?” The truth is that, yes! they are all sinners and they are all unworthy. What she does not understand is that it has nothing to do with being “good enough” or “not good enough.” It is simply that God honors those who honor Him and His Word, and when someone spurns Gods grace and mercy they have no right to call upon a loving God in their time of trouble and expect Him to pay attention. She does not realize that it's not God rejecting people, but people rejecting God.

We could take this discussion a lot further, but I believe this is clear enough. God is very real, and He is an ever-present help in time of trouble, supernaturally delivering His children from every hardship imaginable. Anybody who does not know this is to be pitied, for they are blind, and naked, and wretched, and miserable, and poor, and don’t know it.

Look up! for your redemption draws near. Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!