Does the title need more work? Let's see... how does Webster define "persecution? "To engage in the act or practice of harassing or afflicting with repeated acts of cruelty or annoyance; to afflict persistently; specifically, to afflict or punish on account of holding particular opinions or adhering to a particular creed or mode of worship." Hmm. Perhaps the only part that doesn't fit to a "T" is the phrase "acts of cruelty." Or does it? Do we really know what all she went through? Did she really deserve any of that?
There is a new book scheduled to be released next spring. Matthew Continetti digs into the facts behind the scenes like no one else has done. Click here to learn more about the book.
One person said, in a conversation I was involved in during the election campaign, "Sarah Palin's just stupid." And I'm thinking, "Upon what basis can you say that?" I mean, you don't even know her personally. How can you say that about a person you have never met? Who told you that? Okay, so you saw her on TV. Do you realize TV is edited? Did you know that out of the hours (yes, hours) of interviewing that they did with Sarah Palin, they only showed short clips of her blunders? Do you realize (I already know you don't) how much the news shapes and forms your ideas and opinions EXACTLY the way they want you to be shaped? Did you know they WANTED you to think Palin was stupid, and Obama was smart?
Why do we need a smart president? Come on now, do you really think a smart president would make more of the right decisions? How deceived can you be? The smarter those in power are, the more things they are going to do behind your back. I have found that intelligence generally tends to be more evil. It's in the simple things that true greatness is found. I would rather have a president that could think on my level. Can you trust someone that is smarter than you? Of course not; they're going to outsmart you!
In spite of the fact that I believe women should stay out of politics, Sarah Palin is one I could have voted for as president, simply on the basis of her record and her values. It's what I like to see. It's what I believe in. (Don't make this all-encompassing; there may well be areas of disagreement). Some blame us for liking her because she is good-looking. I don't care what she looks like! I like her values! And the one and only reason I dislike having Obama as president is his agenda. Absolutely evil! Sure, he's an awesome orator. He's a charming personality. But so secular, so godless, so wrong! It's a cruel hoax! For the first time, I'm ashamed to be an American. To think that they would elect someone like THAT to the highest office...
Would Sarah Palin be a better president? I don't know. Would she also be a puppet of the powers that be? I don't know. Is it ever going to be possible to take our once great and free country back from those that would destroy us and enslave us? I don't know. But I thank God for every freedom and every free day that we have left!
Where there is life, there is hope!
Monday, November 23, 2009
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